Kings Bay began its service to the Nation during the 1950's as an Army logistics terminal. In 1978, the Navy took over Kings Bay and Submarine Squadron Sixteen, a remote command of Charleston's Submarine Group Six, began operations.
Submarine Squadron Sixteen operated from "Warrior Wharf" until the early 1990's, deploying the predecessors of today's ballistic missile submarines, called the "41 for Freedom" - a collection of 41 submarines named after distinguished figures in our Nation's history.
Submarine Group Six, was originally responsible for operations in Kings Bay. With the commissioning of the Ohio class submarines in the 1980s, came the need for an operational authority located in Kings Bay. Commander, Submarine Group Ten was commissioned on Jan. 1, 1989.
Following the decommissioning of the last of the "41 for Freedom" submarines, Kings Bay was homeport solely to Ohio-class boats. In 2006, as a part of the Department of the Navy's 21st century human capital strategy, SSBNs on the East coast and West coast were placed under the command of a single admiral, holding the title of Commander, Submarine Group Trident. The dual-hat position was implemented due to the single mission of strategic deterrence shared by East and West coast SSBNs.
By 2008, two of the four newly converted SSGNs were home ported in Kings Bay. To increase focus on the unique capabilities of the SSGN platform and re-emphasizing commitment to the strategic deterrence mission of the SSBNs, the re-establishment of a flag officer located in Kings Bay became necessary.
The Submarine Group Ten commander is the senior commander stationed aboard Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay. He coordinates support for all matters assigned by Commander Submarine Force Atlantic. His direct subordinate commands include two submarine squadrons, the Trident Refit Facility and the Naval Submarine Support Center.
Today, the Kings Bay area boasts a thriving community of about fifty thousand people. The men and women who support our submarine force have an impressive record of service to the Nation, every thirty days a submarine deploys from Kings Bay, fully armed and ready for a deterrent patrol. As stewards of the Nation's strategic and deterrent forces, they ensure peace and prosperity in the United States and throughout the world.