Commander's Guidance & Priorities for 2016
Background: Reference (a) established the UWDC on 1 September 2015 to “enhance fleet warfighting capabilities and readiness across the theater, operational, and tactical levels of war.” UWDC consolidated the Tactical Analysis Group (TAG) including the detachment imbedded at COMSUBPAC, Arctic Submarine Laboratory (ASL), and the Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) mission of the former Navy Mine and ASW Warfare Command (NMAWC) into a single command under COMSUBLANT. Reference (b) provided initial tasking and goals followed by formal tasks in references (c) and (d). Reference (d) LOE 2.c assigned specific UWDC tasking.
Initial Operational Capability (IOC): UWDC reached IOC on October 1, 2015 after establishing the following transitions.
•Tactical Analysis Group transfer from CSDS-12 to UWDC (01 Sep 2015) including TAG Detachment embedded at COMSUBPAC
•NMAWC ASW functions transfer to UWDC (01 Sep 2015)
•Arctic Submarine Lab ADCON transfer from NMAWC to UWDC (01 Oct 2015)
Lines of Effort: The TAG and ASL principally will manage the LOEs described in enclosure (1) at the unit tactical level for undersea capabilities such as submarines and unmanned systems. UWDC Detachments in San Diego and Norfolk principally will manage LOEs at the integrated tactical and operational levels supporting Fleet, Strike Group, and Task Force Commanders. These assignments are not exclusive as the UWDC was created specifically to synchronize the efforts and capabilities of all component organizations leveraging the best of each to achieve mission success.
Broad Tasks: Enclosure (2) lists large scale tasks to be completed in 2016. Each assigned task lead will provide a plan to complete each task no later than 12 February 2016.
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Final Operational Capability (FOC): Our goal is to reach FOC by December 2016 as defined below:
•TAG relocation to building439
•Completion of internal billet shifts
•Post Command 1120 established at TAG
•Step 1 of contracting strategy complete
• IB2B funding shift to UWDC
•Successful execution of the following under UWDC: SOG/ORG, ICEX/ARG, ASW FCT & ASWIP, ASW FOB, State of ASW, STRG.
The Undersea Warfighting Development Center (UWDC) was established to enhance fleet undersea warfighting capabilities and readiness across the theater, operational, and tactical levels of war. Our mission is to lead Undersea Superiority, enabling decisive effects from or in the undersea domain when and where the operational commander directs. We are DATA-driven as described by the following Lines of Effort:
D - Develop Doctrine, Concepts of Operation, and Tactics for Undersea Warfare (USW)
A - Assess USW performance and warfighting readiness
T - Training for undersea platforms and integrated fleet operations
A - Advance undersea capability, wholeness, & synchronization
Working with Navy commands ranging from individual units up through Fleet Commanders and their staffs, our values commit us to being innovative, adaptive, and responsive. We're proudly tackling the broad and complex USW challenges of both today and tomorrow.